SGPA to Percentage Calculator

SGPA to Percentage Calculator

SGPA to Percentage Calculator: An Easy Guide to Converting Your Scores

If you’re a student from any country that follows a similar grading system, you’ve likely come across terms like SGPA, CGPA, and percentages. These terms are essential for understanding your academic performance. 

One common challenge students face is converting their Semester Grade Point Average (SGPA) into a percentage, a more traditional way to measure academic success. That’s where the SGPA to Percentage Calculator comes in handy.

This article will explore everything you need to know about converting your SGPA to a percentage. We’ll also explain how SGPA is calculated, discuss related tools like SGPA to CGPA and CGPA to percentage calculators, and provide a detailed SGPA to percentage chart

Let’s get in!

What is SGPA?

Before we jump into the conversion details, let’s clarify what SGPA means. SGPA, or Semester Grade Point Average, is a grading system many universities and educational boards use to evaluate a student’s performance over a semester. The SGPA is an average of all the grade points you earn in a semester based on the credit and grade of each subject.

Key Points:

  • SGPA measures your performance over a single semester.
  • It’s calculated by taking the weighted average of grade points earned in each subject.
  • Unlike more common percentages, SGPA allows universities to assess academic performance uniformly.

How to Convert SGPA to Percentage?

The formula for converting SGPA to percentage varies slightly between universities, but a commonly used formula is:

Percentage = (SGPA × 10) – 7.5

For example, if your SGPA is 8.0, the conversion would be:
Percentage = (8.0 × 10) – 7.5 = 80 – 7.5 = 72.5%

This is a rough estimate, but many universities use similar methods. To make things easier, you can use an SGPA to Percentage Calculator, which will instantly give you your percentage once you input your SGPA.

The Importance of an SGPA to Percentage Calculator 

SGPA to Percentage Calculator

The SGPA to Percentage Calculator is an indispensable tool for students, especially when dealing with different university grading systems. The process of converting SGPA to a percentage can often be perplexing, but this calculator simplifies it, providing a sense of relief. 

Whether you need your percentage for job applications, higher education, or personal use, the SGPA to Percentage Calculator saves time and effort by eliminating manual calculations.

Related Tools:

  • SGPA Calculator: If you know your subject marks, this tool helps calculate your SGPA quickly.
  • Marks to SGPA Calculator: This tool converts your subject-wise marks into an SGPA, simplifying the final semester grade calculation.
  • CGPA to Percentage Calculator: Students who need to convert their CGPA into a percentage can use this tool for fast and accurate results.
  • SGPA to CGPA Calculator: This tool helps convert your semester-wise SGPA into a cumulative GPA, offering a clearer picture of your overall academic performance across semesters.

These tools are designed to simplify academic performance calculations, saving students time and ensuring accuracy. These calculators provide instant and precise results, whether you’re converting SGPA, CGPA, or marks.

How is SGPA Calculated?

Calculating SGPA manually is fairly simple. You must multiply the grade points earned in each subject by the number of credits assigned. Then, sum up all these values and divide the total by the number of credits you’ve taken that semester.

Formula for SGPA: SGPA = (Total Grade Points Earned) ÷ (Total Credits)


  • Subject 1: Grade Point = 9, Credits = 4
  • Subject 2: Grade Point = 8, Credits = 3
  • Subject 3: Grade Point = 7, Credits = 3
  • Subject 4: Grade Point = 8, Credits = 2
  • Subject 5: Grade Point = 9, Credits = 4

Now that you have your SGPA, you can easily convert it into a percentage using the earlier formula.

Why Convert SGPA to Percentage?

While SGPA is an effective system for measuring academic performance, many students and professionals still need their results in percentage form. This is because percentages are widely recognized and often required for various purposes. 

Converting SGPA to percentage is necessary in many situations, and an SGPA to Percentage Calculator is the easiest way to do this.
Common Uses:
University Applications:
Many universities, especially international ones, ask for academic scores in percentages. They may not be familiar with SGPA or CGPA systems, so converting your grades to percentage helps present your results in a universally understood format.

Job Interviews:
Employers often request academic percentages rather than SGPA or CGPA. They may use percentages as part of their candidate evaluation process. Converting your SGPA to a percentage can make your academic performance easier for potential employers to understand.

Scholarship Applications:
Scholarships, especially those that are merit-based, usually have percentage-based eligibility criteria. You’ll often need to convert your SGPA into a percentage to apply for these scholarships. It’s essential to have this conversion ready when applying for financial aid or scholarships that require a minimum academic percentage.

SGPA to Percentage Chart

Some universities provide a direct SGPA to Percentage Chart that shows the corresponding percentage for different SGPA values. 

This chart simplifies the conversion process as it eliminates the need to calculate the percentage each time manually. The chart usually contains a table with SGPA values in one column and their percentage equivalents in another.

For example:
SGPA 9.0 = 82.5%
SGPA 8.0 = 72.5%
SGPA 7.0 = 62.5%

Using a chart is a quick and accurate way to convert your SGPA to percentage, saving you valuable time and allowing you to focus on other academic tasks without relying on formulas.